The trip of a lifetime has finally conlcuded, as Globe Life and its subsidiary organizations have just returned from their 2024 convention in Honululu. Teams are regrouping with new found knowledge, inspiration, and tan lines they got while away.
What Is Convention All About?
Each year, Globe Life provides their top-performing sales leaders with an all expenses paid trip to world class destinations. Insurance professionals who qualified for the trip can expect all the luxuries of a top-notch resort, while creating new connections outside their organization.
The GA Gerstein Organization was represented by over 20 qualifiers, all of which enjoyed three days of endless sunshine, tropical exploration, and company-wide award show ceremony.
The most coveted part of each year's convention is picking the brains of other organziations' leaders and learning the game. Being in the same room with some of the best in the company provides those earlier in their career the opportunity to gain a competitive edge.
We'll See You Next Year In...
As Globe Life wraps up its time in Hawaii, the company already has their eyes set on next year's convention in Las Vegas, NV.