With September coming to a close, it's time to flip the calendar to one of the most exciting times within our organization.
Two months every year are devoted to prizes, rewards, and competition; March and October.
Introducing October Crush
This year, GA Gerstein is rolling out "October Crush", a contest seeing our agency split up into duos to take on the rest of the competition.
The rules are fairly straightforward, whichever tandem writes the business through the month earns themselves a shot at a hefty prize. The first and second-place teams automatically receive a reward.
For the remaining duos, their production earns them tickets into a raffle. The more families they can help, the more tickets they receive.
Earn Tickets Early
At the turn of the new business week on 9/25 until the end of the month, agents can score extra tickets before the official contest kickoff.
For each $1,000 of net business written, one early ticket is earned. What's the catch? You only receive these tickets when you qualify for at least one official raffle ticket in the month of October.
Best of Luck
GA Gerstein expects this to be a fun-filled month for everyone involved. With a lot of rewards at stake, and more to be announced, the organization can not wait to see which duo is crowned champion at the end of the month.